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Code Analysis And Code Coverage Using NetCore VS Code Publishing To Sonarqube ( !FREE!

But I had discovered a new NuGet package called Coverlet a cross-platform code coverage library for .NET Core. Then finally we can make code coverage using the same commands no matters if you are working on Mac, Linux or Windows.

Code Analysis and Code Coverage using NetCore VS Code publishing to Sonarqube (

Coverage Gutter display coverage result with colors in your screen and you can activate or deactivate it. And Test Explorer gives you a visual explorer panel when you can run tests: all of them, a group in context or individual test. Even better lights up code lens style over each test and you can see his result.

I am trying to get the Code Analysis done with SonarCloud using the Github actions for my .NET Core application. I have added the below code in my build.yml file for .NET Core Build & Test to check if Code Coverage is populating in,

Between the begin and end steps, you need to build your project, execute tests and generate code coverage data. This part is specific to your needs and it is not detailed here. See .NET test coverage for details.

The end step is executed when you add the "end" command line argument. It cleans the MSBuild/dotnet build hooks, collects the analysis data generated by the build, the test results, the code coverage and then uploads everything to SonarQube

After that you can run the SonarCloud analysis and publish the Quality Gate Results. You also publish the test results and code coverage result. Set the code coverage to cobertura and point summary file and report directory accordingly.

When the SonarCloud Run Code Analysis task runs it does find the files and adds them to the cache for later use:INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp]INFO: Parsing the OpenCover report D:\TfsBuildAgents\Agent4\_work\60\s\coverage\tests.opencover.xmlINFO: Adding this code coverage report to the cache for later reuse: D:\TfsBuildAgents\Agent4\_work\60\s\coverage\tests.opencover.xmlINFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp] (done) time=0ms

Sonar is the name that was used to refer to the SonarQube tool. This open-source tool allows you to generate a static analysis of the code of a project, detecting bad practices, possible errors, and bugs. This detection is based on a set of configurable rules which the tool will use to review and analyze all the code of your project, generating a final report that can be consulted directly on the web.

We already have the automation of code quality analysis ready and this in itself is extremely useful since we will be able to detect different problems with code quality. Without going any further, in the previous image, you can see how SonarCloud has detected two points where there is something strange in the code (I have done it on purpose, I swear!), and so it is pointing them out.

Despite that, the code coverage data is still at 0% even though my project has more. This is because Sonar by itself does not generate this data even though it can show and use it. In order to see it, it is necessary to make some small modifications to the code and the pipeline so that the coverage report is generated and sent to SonarCloud.

"@context": " ", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": ["@type": "Question", "name": "What is Sonar?", "acceptedAnswer": "@type": "Answer", "text": "\nSonar is the name that was used to refer to the SonarQube tool. This open-source tool allows you to generate a static analysis of the code of a project, detecting bad practices, possible errors, and bugs. This detection is based on a set of configurable rules which the tool will use to review and analyze all the code of your project, generating a final report that can be consulted directly on the web."]

For instance, the Visual Studio solution file is hosted on GitHub at this path: -core-logging/blob/master/Todo.sln; the pipeline steps referencing this file should then use: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Todo.sln.Similarly, accessing the .sonarqube folder which contains the static code analysis related artifacts and which is generated inside the solution root folder should be referenced using: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)/.sonarqube.

Building this .NET Core application means compiling its source code, running automated tests with code coverage, publishing test results and code coverage report, performing and then publishing the results of the static code analysis and finally (and debatably) checking whether the quality gate has been passed or not.

Before describing how Coverlet can be integrated with Azure Pipelines, I have to say this: code coverage should not be used as a quality metric in a project, since reaching a high percentage of coverage does not necessarily mean your code is bug free; on the other hand, coverage can help you in identifying those parts of your application which are not tested.

Azure Pipelines provides a task for publishing code coverage, PublishCodeCoverageResults@1, but since this task only supports coverage data files in Cobertura or JaCoco formats, I had to use ReportGenerator for converting files from OpenCover format to Cobertura. This tool can be installed as a .NET Core global tool, so it was easy to integrate it with my pipeline:

The tools will scan all test projects for coverage data files in OpenCover format and will generate both Cobertura and HTML files, the output folder being .CoverageResults/Report.This folder contains a Cobertura.xml file storing all coverage metrics, and several HTML files containing the source code with coverage related highlighted lines:

By build breaker I mean the ability of failing the pipeline in case the SonarQube quality gate did not pass due to some issues like duplicated code or a security flaw. Such feature looks very appealing, but it seems there is a catch: starting with version 5.2, SonarQube asynchronously analyzes the report it receives from a scanner. Such analysis can take a while, so if a build polls SonarQube server for the results, some resources may be blocked (e.g. the machine running the build), as stated here.

SonarCloud has quickly become the industry standard for code analysis, especially on projects we are involved with. SonarCloud is the cloud edition of SonarQube. Today we are going to dive in and look at how do we can get it work.

To correct this error, we add a ProjectGuid property to each of the project files we want the code analysis to run on. We generate a random Guid and use it with the following data to each project file

We will not be using this feature today. In our case we want to analyze code in the git repo that we imported earlier, right in the same account as this pipeline. So, we select Azure Repos Git:

The results show that the analysis builds completed successfully, but that the new code in the PR failed the Code Quality check.Comment has been posted to the PR for the new issue that was discovered.

With the SonarCloud extension for Azure DevOps Services, you can embed automated testing in your CI/CD pipeline to automate the measurement of your technical debt including code semantics, testing coverage, vulnerabilities. etc. You can also integrate the analysis into the Azure DevOps pull request process so that issues are discovered before they are merged.

Code coverage helps you determine the proportion of your project's code that isactually being tested by tests such as unit tests. To increase your confidenceof the code changes, and guard effectively against bugs, your tests shouldexercise - or cover - a large proportion of your code.

To view an example of publishing code coverage results for your choice of language,see the Ecosystems section of the Pipelines topics. For example, collect and publishcode coverage for JavaScript using Istanbul.

In a multi-stage YAML pipeline, the code coverage results are only available after the completion of the entire pipeline.This means that you may have to separate the build stage into a pipeline of its own if you want to review thecode coverage results prior to deploying to production.

Hi everyone, today I wanna show you my experience with SonarCloud code analysis in Azure DevOps with ".Net Core" CLI. When I started setting up SonarCloud in Azure DevOps, I encountered a lot of bottlenecks and that is why I wanna share it with you from A to Z in my situation.

Sonar Cloud is one of the main static code analyzer. Sonar cloud is an open-source platform that can continuously inspect static codes for a set of predefined quality standards. Sonar cloud can detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities under and generate the report with grading. Sonar Cloud supports many languages through built-in rule-sets and can also be extended with various plugins. It can also report things such as duplicated code, code coverage, or coding standards.

use the following commands and add the file "coverlet.runsettings" to the root of your repo which will define our code coverage output as "opencover" which needs for "Prepare analysis on SonarCloud" for collecting Quality Gate statistic :

SonarCloud is one of the most popular solutions for static code analysis in the context of modern DevOps processes. Here is how to kick-off a SonarCloud scan during a build of a .NET Core Docker container.

This step should come after a successfully test task for your build. The results from the unit tests are gathered (including code coverage), analyzes the results and preps the proper files for publishing to SonarQube.

My problem was: I used the wizard in GitHub to create a GitHub Action definition to analyze code in SonarCloud, everything runs just fine except I was not able to have Code Coverage nor unit tests result in my analysis. With Azure DevOps actions and .NET Full Framework project there is no problem but with GH and standard Actions no result see, seems to be uploaded.

Clearly this is not a problem of GH Actions, but it is due to a change in Sonar Cloud analysis tool, it happened in the past (when I had to manually convert code coverage output format for .NET core) and it seems that it happened again.


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