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True Blood Season 1 720p Tpb

In season 11 episode 6, Julian and Bubbles, while searching through medical records, discover that Ray's real last name is LaFleur. He changed it to Flower when his fellow truckers began mocking him for his french heritage. It is possible that this is Ricky's adoptive last name if Ray was the true legal guardian of Ricky. It would not be Lahey, as discovered through blood tests that Jim is not actually Ricky's dad. We still do not know who Ricky's biological father is, much less his surname, and as far as Ricky is concerned by the end of the season, Ray always was his true father blood or otherwise.

True Blood Season 1 720p Tpb

ir r y 1J J JUt 41r t 71yir i T Ir r i1 i 9 f 2 = T yif fI Hf hI tiif WJr r z kI i I 4 4 t tI tTHE 4 lI tl I Uy THE IIIE troNSVNDAY JULY 4 DOD DODJJIf l CHINAS 27500H0 LOAN LOANAMERICAN LOANAMEnlC4N LOANAMERIC4NAMERICAN dANi liANKERS QUARTER SIlA S1IAZWOF SHAKE E Of IT ITState ITStateI IFF State Department Dtl artn1mt Learn That Foreign ForeignBanker Fore1nUaik orelanDanknBanker Uaik F Interested Will Hold an 1m 1mportatit 1mportailt Imyy portatit Mrctlng on July 8 Probably ProbablyIni c c I In London to 0 Ulscutt UI IIII the li Loan LoinI n nJVASHINOTONI j 1 JVASHINOTON JV uJB1NOTOH July JulyThe S 3The The State De Department Dej j I partment has been advised that the tberor tberorelan for foreign foreIg eign bankers Interested In the negotia negotiation negCtJaC negqtlatJon C I tion ot tho proposed 27600000 Chloeee Chloeeeloan ChIMeeloan ChIIOeOionloan for the building the HankowrSre HankowrSreChuen Hankow HankowaeQuen Bze BzeJJ Chuen Railroad will hold an important importantmeeting Importantm importantmeetIngmeeting m tlng on July 8 probably in London Londonfori for the purpose of discussing the th details detailsofof the loan While no definite announce announcement announcement announcemont ment can be obtained at s the State Depart Department Deputment Departmont ment there Is no doubt that tho United UnitedStates UnitedBtate UnitadStatesStates will receive a quarter qU rter chare of the theloan theloan theloeloana loe loefr loan >a I loanThere There Is reason reaaonto to believe that Great GreatBritain GreatBritainI Britain which about two w weeks ks ago agorequested agorequested agorequestedrequested the United States not to preas preasIts preoslbi preoitIts it demand for a share of tho loan has haschanged buohanged hasaa changed Ita view and is now willing that thatthe thattho thatthethe United States shall participate The TheBritish TheBritish TheBritishBritish Government objected on the theground the1ound thegroundground the loan had boon practically dOled cloacabetween dOledbetween closedbetweenbetween British Drltlshrench French and German Germaninterests GermanIntelNta Germantt interests and the Chinese Government Governmentandf and that if the UnitedStates insisted insisteden Ins lilted liltedODr en fl participating tlclpatlngllltheI08nthedealmight In the loan the deal might mightbet be delayed The British Government Governmentdidi did not formally protest against the de demand demand doznand mand of the United Unl States to participate participatein4 in the loan but diplomatically pointed pointedoutout the dangers of interfering with the theagreement theagreement theagreementagreement which had already been tenta tentatively tentatively tentatively tively completed completedThere completedThore completedThereThere have been many notes exchanged exchangedbetween exchangedbetwoen exchangedbetweenbetween the State Department and the theBritish theit theBritishit British Foreign Office on the subject since sincethe sincethe sincethethe matter was brought up by Groat Brit Britain Brilaln Britala ain ahd It Is believed now that t the British BritishForeign BrltlahForelttn BritiehForeIgnForeign Oflloe is entirely satisfied to allow allowaa quarter share of the fo foby loon to be handled handledTHE handlodbJby American bankers bankerstI1 THE RUSSIACHINA t DISPUTE DISPUTEOarOar Interest In the Oprnlns of Certain Certainfilter crrtalnRhen Certatnithersfilter to toTnd Trade It I only onl Nominal NominalWASHINGTON ionilnaIWakaINovoN omlnlWAIiIUNOTONWASHINGTON July 3 IThe The United UnitedStates Unitedf UnitedStatesf States has huony only an indirect Interest in inthe Inthe inthethe dispute dl pute between Russia and China ChinaInm In regard to the status of the opening openingto ope lng lngtoto International trade of tho Amur Us Ussuri Usaurl U Uaussuri and the th Sungari rivers in northern northernManchuria northernliutcburia northernManchuriaManchuria Under the terms of a treaty treatysigned treatyIIlgned treatysignedsigned In IBM the Chinese Government Governmentgranted Governmentgrantedto Governmentgrantedgranted grantedto to Russia the th thern exclusive right rightofof navigating and engaging In commerce commerceonon these tt three rivers Lately however howeveraccording boweverrdlng howevercoordingaccording rdlng to information received at a the theState the8wte theHtteState Department the Japanese have havebeen havebeen havebeenbeen eagerly seeking to extend ex end their theirtrade theirtrade theirtradetrade into these rivers and the Chinese ChineseGovernment ChlooseGovernment ChineseGovernmentGovernment it is said contemplates contemplatesthethe issuance of navigation regulations regulationswhich TeItJlatlonsWhich regulationswhichwhich will allow not only Japanese butother but butother hutotherother foreign rorelgnvellllOls vessels to enter the rivers riversAccording riversAooordln riversAccordingAccording to press deepatchen from fromPekln tromPekln fromPekinPekln Russia baa registered a complaint complaintwith complalnwithwith the Chinese Foreign Office against againstthe anlnctthe aainetthethe opening of the rivers to international internationaltradetrade and has asked the Chinese Gov Government Government Govornment ernment for a declaration of its attitude attituderegarding attituderegarding attituderegardingregarding the original I treaty While Whilethe WhUethe Whilethethe dispute is a local IQCalone one Involving only onlyChina only1IIna onlyItIt China Russia Ru ala and Japan the he State De Department Department DeA A partment In carefuHr camuH1Walchlng watching the itua IIltuatlon situaLionLion because bo of its it general Interest I terellt In InOriental InOrltintal inrr Oriental affairs The United States Stateshowever Statellhowever Stateshoweverhowever is opposed to unnatural re restrictions retrlctiona restrictions strictions on the navigation of these theserivers thetleriven thesepp rivers but in the th pre present nt dispute dlP there thereis heretais no way In which It can interferdexcepi interferdexcepias InterCe except eXleptJaaas a a friendly intervenor to safeguard safeguarcthe 118 elluaid elluaidtheP the interests of ChinaS FACTOR INSPECTION INSPECTIONr l drECTW IvArEcrwvActhiUes drECTWAeflr r i i iActivitiesActivities Aefl U of or JU tneInnpecton fleInapettorsDurfng t I raring ns the theMonths theMnthi e eMonthSr Months of May M Maytn4 and June JnnrALBANY JuneAwaxyALBANY July 9 SDurln During the months monthsofF r 1p of oll 0 May > and June the Bureau of Factory FactoryInspection FactoryInspectioni Inspection continued it activities In the theenforcement theenforcement theenforcementenforcement of the provisions of the fao faotorylaws raotOrTlawlI faotorylawtorylaws New coses of prosecution for forviolations roryl or orviolationsviolations yl latlona of the law to tha number of ofseventylive oCent1nVo ofeentyflveseventylive were Instituted n Institutedthree tltu edthreu threo for foremploying rorenployJi1g forenployJugemploying children under 14 fortyseven fortysevenforfor employing children between 14 and18 without certificate ton D for employing employingchildren employingff children durinj duriu prohibit pmhhlt hctirs and the tLoremaining t theremaining o oremainingremaining fifteen for various infraction infractionofof the laws relating to sanitation and andsafety andaret7 andsafetysafety Within the same period 12 124 cones coneswere CMefIwere caneswerewere brought to trial and disposed dl poled of ofwith oCwith ofwithwith the following results Convictions Convictionseg90 g acquittals 11 complaints dismissed dismissedcases 0 0caaescases dismissed for departmental end andother endother endlother l reasons IQaSOIIO tuJ 5 aggregate fines Imposed ImposedTh1005 1005The11ODSTho The Th Bureau of Mercantile Inspection Inspectionduring Inspectiondqring Inspectiondqringdqring the same months brouht sixtyfour violations to the attention of the thecourts thecourts thecourtscourts all relating to the illegal employ employment employnent mployInent ment of children and divided as follows followsChildren tollowaChildren followsChildrenChildren under 14 22 cones between 14 14and UIIJ1d 14andand Id employed without certificate certl CIte 22 22employed 22employed 22employedemployed during prohibited hours 20 20The 20The o oTheThe number of cue brought to Anal Analbsus finaltasusI issue was 109 resulting In 85 convictions10 acquittals and 8 dismissals aggregate aggregatefines aggrogatetineafines 1010 1010TRY 1Cl1OTnl 610I 610TinI> TRY TO BREAK Iml STEEL STRIKE STKIKEtrMills at Month Honth8harcin Wiaron har n slid Mm NraUe rattle to toOpen toc toOpentr t Pc Open and Protect Employee EmployeePrrrsHURO EmllleeII Emt1oyeePXrrsnwiaII PrrrsHURO July 3Tho 3 The American AmericanSheet AmeriAnSbeet AmericanSheetSheet and Tin Plate PlateConipany Company mplny will make makeanan effort to break the strike of the Amal Amalgamated AmalRrJIted Amalgamated gamated Association of Iron Steel and andTin andTtn andTinTin Plate Work by bYllt starting rtlng the South SouthSharon SouthSharon South8haronSharon and Newcastle mills millsIt mmItr It is announced In Newcastle Newca tle and andSharonk Sharon that employees of tho hot mill milldepartments milldepartmenta9Ll departments In the mills In thcso two twocities twocitlee twoftft cities will receive all moneys duo them themont on July 8 A second notice reads that thatthe thatthe thatthethe Newcastle Tip Plant twenty mills millswill millsWill millstt will be open for all hot mill employees employeeswho emr > loyeea loyeeaWhoJ who wish to go to work after July e eAmple 8Ample cAmpleAmple protection will be furnished from frompickets Cromplcke frompicketspickets of the strikers strikersThe strikenThe etrilcereCThe notice continues continuesFifty oontiDueFifty continuesFiftyC Fifty practical hot mill men from the theopen theopen therr open shops in the East were brought to toEl toElwoodL El Elwood wood Ind I this morning Nineteen NineteenElwood NineteenElwood NineteenLL Elwood hot mill men worked lost night nightmaking nightmaking nightmakingmaking a forc > of f practically seventy seventymenmen Inside ln lde the enclosure enclosureROVND enclosureROUND i inOVNDROUND THE WORLD Ii STEAMERS STEAMERSNorthNorth German IJojct LloIIUne Line to Start Thembm Them ThemWho ThemtLtL Who bm Panama Canal n1 It I Open OpenVICTORIA Opeofirt3 VICTORIA B C July 3 3The The NorthGerman North 4rthrfirt r M German Lloyd LloydSteunahip Steamship Company will willestablish willt willestablisht establish tbUsh a line lne of round rund the thl world steam steamers steamf tf ers eriaaseo a soon IDuthePanCnlslnde as asthePanamiCanallsflnlahod the Panama Canal is finished finishedaccording4 f according to G Friwiand Fred agent of tho tholine thot theItarnIt t line In Hamburg Hbug who arrived ao here today todyI from frm Australia Austria Steamerx St merH from Ham Hamburg ll 11ams s burg buI and Bremen remln to the Orient Orent by way wayof wayatly of oftheSuezCanalwillreturp the Suez Canal C will wi return rtur to that ttt coun country cun cunt ocuntry try t by way of the Panama Pa Canal Cn after aftertouching Arer aftertouchingr touching toucnc at Puget Sound ports portsAsv As A soon Bn as the Panama Pana pm pmAa Canal Cnal Is I fin t ished be said Bd Mr Frlealand FresladJ the North NorthGerman ln lntGerman ae Lloyd Loyd Steamship Stmllp Company ompany willt have a line lDI of round roun the world Impny steamer steamerrunning Ito steamersrunning wi13 running rnnI into Int this port portB portIB 91 I Holding Iolds Company Compylrorrte Incorporated IncorporatedBOSTON incorporated1osTozcBOSTON DSK July Juy 3 IThe The Borton Dtn Rail Railroad nn nnr flatlroadroad r Holding Hol Company Compny has ha applied appled for fornad fori or orLL i nad received rived a certificate cerifct of Incorpora Incorporation Inoorpor i X tion do under u the general genera laws laWI of Massa Massachusetts Ma8 Maseaohusetta chusetts ohutt its certificate olft authorizing It I to tocarry toO toc2T7carry O out the e provisions provlslon of Chapter Cptr 610 610of io iokk of 0 the Acts Ac of 1809 which is I the enactment enactmentof enatmont enatmontrr of tha t last Jt Legislature LJlslatu authorizing this thiscompany thisy thiso0pan7o company y to purchase and ad hold the stock stockof stockh tk tkhh of otBontahJeBllrCmpny the t4eBontoned Bo nton and Maine Railroad Com panys IB I Its It oertlfioatQ otot the te capital cpitl stock tk of oftb ott ofthetb the company Is Ifx fixed at a 1100000 100 which is isto I istoto t be om paid I in I full ru in cosh o and subscribed subscribedfotva subb subscribedfoasfotva 10 follows followsWalter tol foHowaWalterWalter Watr O Baylies yle S340CO MOb Robert Rbert M MBurnett Mtirnt l2 Burnett Jtt tirnt mFerio 58000 000 p 0090 0 Mr Dumtlne Ia is I named nmed as presl preslteat prl preilofM teat its r 1 of o treasurer t1r t1rIi the tompy company and a Mr M Burnett BurnettM Buett BuettrIi j jI jTIT1 4JDEPVTY DEPll BISHOP BISlt RESIGNS n RESIGI5Out SI Sl SlOut f fOutOut ef4iA of 11IeCajomt 1feiora Custom Brr 811e srvtee > Ice and Manager Managerot Mae ManazerIyndletetoot 0 a Syndicate cleteto to Colonize Colol the te ie Houth HouthDeputy 8ouU ouuiDeputyDeputy Surveyor ueyor John M Bishop Bishopwho Blhop BlhopbowurnUy Bishopwhowho bowurnUy wasrecently was recently relieved releve as I chief ceC o othe ot otthe ofthethe Third Ir Division Dvlion which attends atten to th thexamination the theexlpton theexaminationexamination exlpton of passengers pUngn and their thelbaggage ter terbaggg theirbaggagebaggage baggg has b sent snt his hs resignation resl ton to toSuwayoVCUrkson to8u toSurwSuwayoVCUrkson SuwayoVCUrksonMr 8u Surw rClon tlrkson tlrksonMtMr Bishop Bihop will be b the general geor manage manageof mngof a syndicate endloate made up of 1Yeto 1YetoIn Investor InvestorInIn this t city olt and nd In several sverl Southern Suthern States Statesthat Stat 8tatosthatthat will wlnmako tnako an effort tort to induce men menwith me menwithwith lb families ramie In the to cities ctie to i t migrate rl te t tSouthern to toSutqem toSouthernSouthern Sutqem truck trok gardens garden and fruit frulfarms frl fruitfarmafarms far Mr Bishop Bllhop is a Tennesseeon Tennesseeonand Teneeand adb has passed p moat mot of his bl life le In I the theSouth theSouth theSouthSouth There Tero are ar many mlny million miion acres acresof cof uncultivated UclUvat lands lad in the South which whlciMrSuthMr MrDop Bishop believes blevC can cbe be bought bught bughtpriornInJ a aprioea t tprloearanglngprloearanglng prioea priornInJ ranging from S3 S 3 to SISan 111a acre ac acreTheThe object obJ ct of or the company Is described describedas deibas I half hlphllanthroplo philanthropic and half financial financialAlso fnci financialAlsoAlso it wishes hM to develop the South Suth am aminject and andInject andin1ctdevelopinject sortie sQme new white blood Ilood Into it itSurveyor ItSurveyorSurveyo Surveyor Clarkson CarksoD said yesterday Yetery that tlt tltMr thatMrMr Bishop had bd done much for Co or the customs customsservice cltma cltmaIrvl cuetomsserviceservice Irvl In the seven Iven years ho held the job jobof Jobot jobOof O deputy deputy surveyor ureyor Ills 11 greatest g tt work workthe workte workthethe te Surveyor lureyor urveyor said MId was WI In the creation creationof crtion crtionorof new systems atm for the detection detUon of frauds rmudin ne tho customs ctoms and Inhis In hil organization organizationof orgDlztion orgDlztionoCof ofa a corps or of peculiarly plirly skilful skUCulllt1 staff officers officersunder oMor oMoersnderunder Inder the title of acting actng deputy surveyors surveyorsThe uyors uyorsTheThe benefit beneft to the Government of the thebreaking thebraking thebreakingbreaking up tottho upofthe ofthe sleeping sleping trunk trnk ant antforeign andJlorelgCrler foreign carrier devices devics has b been bn shown ahoWIn the increase Inc of customs cutom duties dutes from frombaggage trombagage frombaggagebaggage Tho rich people In privateric pplelife lCe and ad the dishonest dl onct Importers Importn in this thisport thlpott thispo1Iport can no longer utilize utlu the he old systems systemsof elltelof fraud fraudAll Crud CrudAl fraudAllAll Al of OfUB UB In the customs cu om service erlce who whohave wbohave whohavehave served with Mr Bishop regret to tosee to8e toseeIrto wit BIhop regtsee 8e him leave loa ve Personally Pflonaly I regret regt i ivery I it itveryvery vr muoh Mr Bishop Bihop and I became becamefriends bme bmetrleDd becamefriendstrleDd friends when we served lervod together tolther a In the thePost tbePOt thePoetPost POt Oftloe Once Department Dpartment at Washington Washingtonunder Waingn Waingnuderunder uder President Harrison Hlrillon and ad when Ibecame bme Surveyor Sureyor hero he accepted acpt this thisplace thl thlplce thisplaceplace plce of deputy surveyor1 at my request requestand ruet ruetad requestandand ad naturally dOfut yam I am heartily hMrtly appreciative appreoiatlviof Ipreotve Ipreotveorof the very superior work vorl ho has done doneInin supporting supporng my administration administton of the theoffice theofllcete teomcoffice officeAVTO omc omcAUTO ofllceLUTOAUTO RVSINESS KEPT UP UPOther UPUtbn UPOtherOther Metal Trades Trdl Slower 810r to Peel Petl COM COM11m GoO OooIlimes11m limes 1mr es Coming ComingThe CominsTe ComingTheThe Te officers omcet of the thl Now Ne York and ad New NewJersey N NJerey NJerseyJersey Metal Trades Tree Association Allation and a the theNational theNation theNationalNational Nation Metal Mot


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